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第一条 为鼓励国内外各种组织、各界人士积极参与保山的招商引资工作,特制定本办法。

第二条 为保山市成功引进市外资金、设备、技术等的国内外公民、法人和其他合法组织(以下简称引资者),均为本办法的奖励对象。市内副处级以上党政在职领导干部(不含非领导职务)及对口业务范围内争取项目、资金的个人不属于引资者,不适用本办法。但在招商引资工作中做出突出贡献的处级领导干部,由市政府纳入工作目标责任制,年终考核一并给予奖励(具体办法见利用外资目标责任制)。本办法所称“引进市外资金、设备、技术”是指利用各种合法方式和关系,将市外国内、国外的项目、资金、技术引入保山市。其形式是:带入资金进行固定资产投资;投入资金与市内企业合资、合作、合伙经营;以兼并、购买或委托经营方式向市内企业注入资金;以先进的科学技术进行项目转让、入股;以先进的管理经验和管理人才参加企业管理,为企业带来显著的经济效益。

第三条 凡引进市外资金已到位,不附带任何条件直接投资的,经会计师事务所验资后,对其直接引资者给予奖励。





第四条 工业产权、专利技术及其它无形资产,经有关合法的机构评估,有资质的会计师事务所验资后,按实际验资额比照第三条第二款给予奖励。

第五条 引进设备的,属国外投资商以设备作价投资的按国家有关规定确认其价值,属国内投资商以设备作价投资的,其价值由合营双方确认或有关合法机构评估后,按设备价值依照第三条引资奖励办法,对直接引资者给予奖励。

第六条 奖金支付办法

(一)引资者在引资前或引资过程中,先持项目单位意向引资证明到市、县(区) 招商部门备案。引进的资金到位后,由引资者填写《保山市引荐外商投资项目奖励申请表》,连同受益单位在外商按规定期限缴付每期投资额15日内出具的书面证明、会计师事务所出具并经同级财政部门核实的验资报告,到市、县(区)申报引资奖励。




第七条 引进国外资金在100万美元,引进市外国内资金在1000万元以上的引资者,除给予引资奖励外,对引资者由市政府颁发表彰证书,对市外引资者由市政府授予保山市“荣誉市民”称号。

第八条 凡列入市级重点对外招商引资的项目和实际引资100万美元或1000万元人民币的项目的奖励资金,由市、县(区)两级政府各承担50%。奖励资金,从市、县(区)政府每年财政预算安排的招商引资专款中支付;本办法第三条第三款奖励资金从企业收取的费用中列支;凡列入省级重点对外招商引资项目,外资到位后,除按本办法奖励外,还要依据云政发[2001]74号文件规定申报给予奖励。

第九条 奖金用人民币兑现,引进国外资金的奖金以汇入之日外汇牌价折算人民币支付。

第十条 引资奖励对象获得奖金后应依法纳税,税款由奖金发放部门代扣代缴。

第十一条 对出具假证明材料骗取奖金的,收缴所得奖金,并依法追究受奖者和相关证明材料出具者相应的法律责任。

第十二条 本办法自公布之日起实施,具体条款的适


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第一条 为了加快港口建设,以适应经济发展的需要,特制定本办法。
第二条 对进出下列港口的货物,征收港口建设费:
第三条 港口建设费的义务缴费人(以下简称缴费人),为发货人(或其代理人)或收货人(或其代理人)。
第四条 对进出第二条所列港口的货物(含国内转港的外贸进出口货物),在水路运输全过程中只征收一次港口建设费。
第五条 港口建设费的征收标准,按照本办法所附《港口建设费费率表》执行。
第六条 下列货物免征港口建设费:
第七条 港口建设费的征收管理工作由交通部负责。第二条所列港口的港务管理局或装卸联合公司,为港口建设费的代征单位;代征单位指定的水上装卸单位以及与第二条所列港口实行联运的其他港口,为港口建设费的代收单位。
第八条 征收港口建设费不另制凭证。代征单位或代收单位应在现行的运输费用单证上增列港口建设费费目,在向缴费人核收运杂费时,一并核收港口建设费。
第九条 港口建设费的收入列为交通部专户。代征单位必须在当地中国工商银行开立交通部港口建设费专户,并应在三日内将征收的费款存入专户,按月划缴交通部。代征单位对征收的费款只能存入和划转,不能动支。
第十条 港口建设费的收入,作为国家建设港口资金的一项来源。资金的使用,由交通部按照国家有关规定统一安排。
第十一条 交通部应检查代征单位或代收单位的收缴情况。
第十二条 缴费人不按照本办法缴纳港口建设费的,除追缴费款外,可酌情处以应缴费款五倍以下的罚款。
第十三条 缴费人同代征单位或代收单位在缴付港口建设费的问题上发生争议时,必须先按照代征单位或代收单位的决定缴费,然后向交通部申请复议,或直接向人民法院起诉。
第十四条 本办法由交通部负责解释;施行细则由交通部制定。
第十五条 本办法自一九八六年一月一日起施行。

附: 港口建设费费率表
| | 费 率 (元/吨) |
| |--------------------------------------------------|
港 口 | 货 类 | 出 口 | 进 口 | 备 注
| |--------------------------------------------------|
| | 海 港 | 长江四港 | 海 港 | 长江四港 |
大连、营口、秦 | 石 油(包括原油) |3.00 | 1.50 |4.00 | 2.00 | 国内进口免证
皇岛、天津、烟台、|--------------------------------------------------------------------------│ 长江四港国内出口只征
青岛、石臼、连云 | 煤炭(包括焦炭)、钢| | | | |石油(包括原油)和煤炭
港、上海、宁波、温|铁(包括生铁)、金属 | 1.50| 0.80 |2.50 | 1.30 |(包括焦炭)两类
州、福州、厦门、汕|矿石、非金属矿石、水 | | | | |
头、广州、黄埔、海|泥、木材、化肥 | | | | |
江、北海、防城、南| 矿建材料、其他 | 1.50| 0.80 |2.50 | 1.30 | 国内进、出口免征
南通 | 粮食、盐 | 0.50| 0.30 |1.00 | 0.50 |国内进口免征
| | | | | |长江四港国内进、出口免征
|按体积吨(立方米)计费| 0.50| 0.30 |1.00 | 0.50 |按以上货类分征、免范围
|的货物 | | | | |
|国际集装箱|20英尺箱|12.50| 6.30 |25.00| 12.50|
| 货物 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 国内进、出口免征
|(元/箱)|40英尺箱|25.00|12.50 |50.00| 25.00|


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by the State Council on October 22, 1985)
Article 1
These Measures are formulated in order to speed up harbour construction to
meet the needs of economic development.
Article 2
Harbour tolls shall be collected on the goods entering and leaving the
following harbours: Dalian, Yingkou, Qinhuangdao, Tianjin, Yantai,
Qingdao, Shijiu, Lianyungang, Shanghai, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen,
Shantou, Guangzhou, Huangpu, Haikou, Basuo, Sanya, Zhanjiang, Beihai,
Fangcheng, Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Zhangjiagang and Nantong.
Article 3
Compulsory payers (hereinafter referred to as the "payers") of harbour
tolls shall be the consignors (or their agents) or the consignees (or
their agents).
Article 4
For those goods entering and leaving the harbours listed in Article 2
(including the imported and exported foreign trade goods being transferred
from harbour to harbour), harbour tolls shall be collected only once,
during the whole course of water transportation.
Article 5
Collection of harbour tolls shall be conducted according to the Table of
Harbour Tolls Rates attached to these Measures.
Article 6
The following goods shall be exempted from harbour tolls:
(1) the goods which are exempted from harbour dues according to the Rules
for Collection of Harbour Dues promulgated by the Ministry of
(2) the raw and processed materials needed in production and the products
being transported by enterprises on their own wharves;
(3) the goods which are exempted from harbour tolls according to the Table
of Harbour Tolls Rates.
Article 7
The Ministry of Communications shall be responsible for the collection and
control of harbour tolls. The harbour authorities or the cargo handling
companies in the harbour listed in Article 2 shall be agencies for
collecting harbour tolls. The agencies may entrust the collection of
harbour tolls to loading and unloading units on the water as well as other
harbours engaged in through-transport with the harbours listed in Article
Article 8
No separate bills shall be designed for the collection of harbour tolls.
The agencies and the entrusted collectors shall add the item of harbour
tolls in the existing bills for transport charges and collect harbour
tolls together with transport and sundry charges.
The entrusted collectors shall settle accounts with, and hand over the sum
of money, to the agencies within 3 days of the receipt of harbour tolls
and must not withhold or divert the same to other uses.
Article 9
The income from harbour tolls shall be deposited into a special account of
the Ministry of Communications. The agencies must open a special account
of harbour tolls for the Ministry of Communications at the local
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and must deposit the collected
funds into the account within 3 days of the receipt and transfer it to the
Ministry of Communications every month. The agencies are only empowered to
deposit and transfer the funds collected and must not use it.
Article 10
The income from harbour tolls is a source of State funds for harbour
construction. The use of the funds shall be arranged in a unified manner
by the Ministry of Communications according to the relevant stipulations
of the State.
Article 11
The Ministry of Communications shall check on the toll collection work of
the agencies or the entrusted collectors.
The agencies or entrusted collectors shall not fail to collect or wrongly
collect harbour tolls. If such mistakes occur, remedial steps must be
taken promptly.
Article 12
If a payer does not pay harbour tolls in accordance with these Measures,
in addition to being ordered to pay the tolls in full, he shall, depending
on the circumstances, be subject to a fine of no more than 5 times of the
sum due.
Article 13
If a dispute arises between a payer and an agency or an entrusted
collector over the payment of harbour tolls, the payer must pay the tolls
first according to the decision of the agency or entrusted collector and
then appeal to the Ministry of Communications for a reconsideration or
directly file a suit at a people's court.
Article 14
These Measures shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Communications,
which shall be responsible for formulating the rules for implementation.
Article 15
These Measures shall go into effect on January 1, 1986.
Table of Harbour Toll Rates
| | |Rate (yuan/Ton) |
| | |----------------------------------|
|Harbour | Goods | Export |
| | |----------------------------------|
| | |Seaport| Four Changjiang Harbours |
|Dalian | Petrolium (including crude oil) | 3.00 | 1.50 |
| |--------------------------------------|-------|--------------------------|
|Yingkou | | | |
|Qinhuangdao | | | |
|Tianjin | | | |
|Yantai | Coal (including coke), Iron and Steel| | |
|Qingdao | (including Pig iron), Metal Ores, | | |
|shijiu | Non-metal ores, Cement, Timber, | 1.50 | 0.80 |
|Lianyungang | chemical Fertilizer | | |
|Shanghai | | | |
|Ningbo | | | |
|Wenzhou |--------------------------------------|-------|--------------------------|
| | | | |
|Fuzhou | Mine Construction Materials, | | |
|Xiamen | Others | 1.50 | 0.80 |
|Shantou | | | |
|Guangzhou |--------------------------------------|-------|--------------------------|
| | | | |
|Huangpu | Grains, Salt | 0.50 | 0.30 |
|Haikou |--------------------------------------|-------|--------------------------|
|Basuo | | | |
|Sanya | Goods whose freight is calculated by | | |
|Zhangjiang | volume ton ( ) | 0.50 | 0.30 |
| | | | |
|Beihai |--------------------------------------|-------|--------------------------|
|Fangcheng | | | | |
|Nanjing | International | | | |
|Zhenjiang | Containerized | 20 ft |12.50 | 6.30 |
| | |------------------|-------|--------------------------|
|Zhangjiagang | Goods | 40 ft |25.00 | 12.50 |
|Nantong | (Yuan/Container) | | | |
| |Rate (yuan/Ton) | |
| |--------------------------------| |
|Harbour | Import | Remark |
| |--------------------------------| |
| |SeaportFour|Changjiang Harbours | |
|Dalian |4.00 | 2.00 | Domestic imports are exempt from |
|Yingkou | | | harbour tolls |
| |-----------|--------------------|--------------------------------------|
|Qinhuangdao | | | |
|Tianjin | | | |
|Yantai | | | Domestic exports in the four Chang- |
|Qingdao | 2.50 | 1.30 | jiang Harbours are exempt from har- |
|shijiu | | | bour tolls except for petroleum (in- |
|Lianyuangang| | | cluding crude oil) and coal (in- |
|Shanghai | | | cluding coke). |
| | | | |
|Ningbo |-----------|--------------------|--------------------------------------|
|Wenzhou | | | |
|Fuzhou | 2.50 | 1.30 | Domestic imports and exports are |
|Xiamen | | | exempt from harbour tolls. |
|Shantou |-----------|--------------------|--------------------------------------|
|Guangzhou | | | domestic imports are exempt from |
|Huangpu | 1.00 | 0.50 | tolls. So are domestic imports and |
|Haikou | | | exports in the four Changjiang |
|Basuo | | | harbours. |
| |-----------|--------------------|--------------------------------------|
|Sanya | | | The scope of collection of or exemp- |
|Zhangjiang | 1.00 | 0.50 | tion from tolls shall be determined |
|Beihai | | | by the above categorization of |
|Fangcheng | | | goods. |
| |-----------|--------------------|--------------------------------------|
|Nanjing |25.00 | 12.50 | |
|Zhenjiang | | | domestic imports and exports are |
| |-----------|--------------------| |
|Zhangjiagang| | | exempt from harbour tolls |
|Nantong |50.00 | 25.00 | |
| | | | |
1. The measures and conversion of weights of goods shall be handled
according to the rules for collecting harbour does issued by the Ministry
of Communications.
2. The harbour tolls for other containerized import and export shall be
calculated by 80% of their contents and the rate of 1.00 yuan/M for
import and yuan/M for export.
3. The minimun harbour toll is 1.10 yuan.





